Encouraging Your Kids to Learn to Code

Kids are quite eager to learn new things. Their brains are like sponges. With the world becoming more reliant on ever-evolving information technologies, computer science continues to be one of the most demanding and lucrative professions. 

One of the best activities to introduce to kids is learning to code. Coding is the process or activity of writing computer programs by using coding languages to write software.

Software refers to all the instructions given to the computer (or any other device) to allow it to function.

Coding is a life skill today, kids and adults – we all can learn to code, and there’s no right age to code or learn to code either. But like most things, starting at an early age helps. They will often need adult help to solve some code challenges, though there are many avenues for kids already of reading age.

Introducing kids to something new can be a challenge. The best approach is to start simple and work your way up. Parents introducing coding to their kids must work at their pace and so they do not become frustrated and get put off. Better yet, try to sell the idea to them by watching some computer coding for kids lessons together.

kids code in javascript

Some Easy Coding languages for Kid Coders


Offers free programming language and an online community where kids can create their own games, interactive stories, and animations. With Scratch, you can incorporate different media, sound, and graphics. You can create games, animations, and game worlds using this app.


Explained is a top-level and general-purpose programming language.  Unlike CSS, HTML, and Javascript, they can use it for other types of programming such software development and data science scripts. Check out some Python for Kids books resources and tips on this website.


Hypertext Standard Markup Language (HTML) is an excellent way of introducing programming to kids. Super easy to learn and is helpful for coding Kids seeking to learn web programming. With HTML kids learn the layout of the pages and apps they interact with everyday on the web. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)  adds to the fun, this is used to describe how documents are presented to users and how they are laid out.


An extension of the C programming language, kids looking for a richer understanding of the programming language used to design applications that run locally on your computer. Platforms such as Windows, Mac, and Linux used C++ applications. This may be more for advanced kid coders, but you will know when your kid coder is ready.


Abbreviated (JS) is one of the top programming languages on the internet, easy to learn it’s a must for kids who desire to be Software Engineers. JavaScript is very easy to master and is cool for animations and simple games on the web. Javascript can manipulate images, colors, and even build out complex games along with HTML and CSS.


Is a widely used intuitive programming language for building software and is created by Apple Inc. and the Open-source community. They build it for iOS and macOS app development. Swift is easy to learn and can create apps for iPad and iPhone. With Swift, many young developers have created brilliant games that have helped them financially secure their future.

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STEM and Coding Games for Kids

STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Toys and kits can introduce kids to coding. Coding kits contain a variety of hardware and software meant for elementary, middle, and high school students. Kids will find coding kits fun to use, as these kits include a variety of guides that are playful projects to get their hands and minds fully engaged. 

Interactive activities are the best, as with every action the student will get a reaction, this makes them want to continue. This generation is already used to tactile interaction with screens and displays, so those coding games where they can code from their smartphone or tablets are also a great way to get your young coder excited about doing new projects. 

Using logical puzzles is fun and introduces concepts of coding. Some of these puzzles use racetracks with different levels that your kid coder can ascend to after they complete each challenge. Kids love to achieve levels and see visual representations of their wins. When using positive reinforcement techniques such as this, most kids will stay engaged for a long time. 

The aim of these coding games is to teach children the fundamentals of coding, to get them excited and to make them want to learn more.

Why teach your kids to Code

Teach your kids to code so they will be problem solvers. Finding solutions to problems often comprises logical sequences of thought and actions, similar to how you complete coding challenges. With such skills, they will develop solutions to practical problems tactically. 

Using trial and error, understanding cause and effect, learning how to debug, using reasoning skills, and math are all involved in most coding games for kids. Their creativity will be challenged and they will pursue innovative ideas with a little guidance, and then all on their own.

Coding involves coming up with ideas, experimenting and sometimes starting from scratch when things aren’t going the way you expect. These are great life skills for any child. Strategizing and planning play an important role in coding.  Kids should learn to plan things out and strategize how to make things happen, as life will have so many proper opportunities for this.

Logic is also an important part of coding. Some problems, such as rotating images, will involve maths and kids should be able to apply abstract concepts to situations in the actual world.

Top coding websites for Kids

Hands-on is the best way to teach kids to code. The websites below offer a way for kids to interact directly with the website and develop cooling games. These are the best coding websites for kids.


Simple and intuitive 1-hour activities that kids can tackle on their downtime. These activities are completed using drag-and-drop techniques for the most simple levels. Ideal for kids of all ages, with a little support for those who need reading help. Has video tutorials along the way and has courses in 45 languages.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed Scratch to provide a free coding community platform for kids. They designed it for Kids 8-16 and where they can program their own games, animations and interactive stories then share what they have done worldwide. An offline editor is also available to create coding projects if there’s no internet.


One of the most popular websites that teach kids online coding is code.org.  Courses are available for kids of all ages, from middle schools to elementary school. Kids can learn the basics of computer science designing games and create drawings.


This is an American website that gives free and interactive coding classes on various programming languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, C++, Sass, CSS, and HTML. A paid option is available so users can access quizzes and learning plans.


CodeCombat is a learning software program educational and has video game concepts and languages. Games are recommended for students ages 9-16.  Coding languages like JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CoffeeScript are available to students to learn to type.


Codemoji is a unique online platform that teaches children the basics of programming. Kids can have fun coding and developing skills applicable to all areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


BitDegree is a platform that offers several computer science courses free and paid. It is blockchain-powered and provides a smart-incentive-based online education platform for revolutionary education and tech recruiting services.

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Top coding websites for Kids

Hands-on is the best way to teach kids to code. The websites below offer a way for kids to interact directly with the website and develop cooling games. These are the best coding websites for kids.


Simple and intuitive 1-hour activities that kids can tackle on their downtime. These activities are completed using drag-and-drop techniques for the most simple levels. Ideal for kids of all ages, with a little support for those who need reading help. Has video tutorials along the way and has courses in 45 languages.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed Scratch to provide a free coding community platform for kids. They designed it for Kids 8-16 and where they can program their own games, animations and interactive stories then share what they have done worldwide. An offline editor is also available to create coding projects if there’s no internet.


One of the most popular websites that teach kids online coding is code.org.  Courses are available for kids of all ages, from middle schools to elementary school. Kids can learn the basics of computer science designing games and create drawings.


This is an American website that gives free and interactive coding classes on various programming languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, C++, Sass, CSS, and HTML. A paid option is available so users can access quizzes and learning plans.


CodeCombat is a learning software program educational and has video game concepts and languages. Games are recommended for students ages 9-16.  Coding languages like JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CoffeeScript are available to students to learn to type.


Codemoji is a unique online platform that teaches children the basics of programming. Kids can have fun coding and developing skills applicable to all areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).


BitDegree is a platform that offers several computer science courses free and paid. It is blockchain-powered and provides a smart-incentive-based online education platform for revolutionary education and tech recruiting services.

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